love story in shayari english

 Love is the name of living

Love is just infamous

If you love once, then see,

Love is the name of drinking every pain.

Let's keep your shadow in the heart,

Let's keep your memory hidden in the heart,

The day I don't meet him,

On that day the flowers of breath go withered.

Life becomes Taj Mahal,

May the moonlight bloom wonderfully,

You become my friend,

Let the heartbeat also become a ghazal!

That oath is not broken in a moment….

Forget the friend, it is not us.

You forget us, there is no power in this matter…..

Because you forget us we are not so bad…

All relationships break but

heart to heart relationsh

The heart is sure not to meet y

Dua to meet you at your placeouipceouip

Everything is forgotten in his memory

The lamp is sitting on the extinguisher of happine

we will die in his ar

They are betting on deathms

It is not necessary that love should always be in someone's face,,,,

Sometimes I also fall in love with someone's NTuRê

Eyes are just a means,

To show…

Just look... look into my hear

There is a river of love…t,!!

That love was yours too.* 

*_hatred was also yours_*

*_That belongingness and rejection*

*_Ki Ada was also yours_*

*_we do our justice_*

*_whom you ask_*

*_That city was also yours and*

*_the court was yours too*

*Remember that there is no limit

* Trust so much that there is no doubtbt*


*wait so long that there is no time*

*Do friendship like never hate!

it rains from the eyes

When you are with m

Whenever my cell phone is bu

so understa

I talk to your future sister-in-lawndsye,awndsye,


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